


When you enter a query and press either the Primary or Secondary button we list the relevant schools.

Some examples of search queries are shown in the following tables. Under each one we have provided a Primary and Secondary link to show you the results of the search. We also provide a short description of the main feature of each example.

Search for schools using a postcode or name

Search query and results


Query type

se1 1xw
Primary, Secondary
Displays a list of all schools with distances from that postcode full postcode
Primary, Secondary
Displays a list of all schools with distances from that postcode. Note that the postcode need not contain a space. full postcode
Primary, Secondary
Displays a list of schools within SE1. first part of postcode
albion school
Primary, Secondary
Displays a list of schools that match this name. Note that it is not case sensitive. school name
Collège Français Bilingue de Londres
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school with this name. school name
waltham forest
Primary, Secondary
Displays a list of schools in Waltham Forest LA. LA name


Search for schools using a postcode and a local authority name

You might want to look for schools in an LA. If you also enter a postcode (for example, your home) the schools will be listed in order of distance.

Search query and results


Query type

se1 1xw southwark lewisham
Primary, Secondary
Displays all schools in southwark and Lewisham, with distances from se1 1xw. full postcode and LA name


Search for GCSE subjects

This innovative feature lets you search for schools by subjects taken at GCSE. This is, of course, only available as a Secondary search.

Search query and results


Query type

Law, Polish, Spanish and Statistics
Displays all schools where these subjects have been taken at GCSE. Subject search


Search for postcode or Local Authority and GCSE subjects

This combines the school search and subject search so that, for example, you can find out the nearest school offering your preferred subjects at GCSE, or find out all schools in your local authority that offer them. We provide two examples to illustrate this.

Search query and results


Query type

se1 1xw (school search box)
Law, Polish, Spanish and Statistics (subject search box)
Displays all schools where these subjects have been taken at GCSE by distance from se1 1xw. Note; you must press the "Secondary" button in the subject search box to achieve this. Combined full postcode and subject search
Kent (school search box)
Law, Polish, Spanish and Statistics (subject search box)
Displays all schools in Kent LA where these subjects have been taken at GCSE. Note; you must press the "Secondary" button in the subject search box to achieve this. Combined LA and subject search


Advanced search examples

Relevancy is determined by many factors but our intelligent search engine makes it possible to construct powerful queries.

Search query and results


Query type

Primary, Secondary
Displays all schools in LA number 320 (Waltham Forest). LA number
Primary, Secondary
Displays all schools with the GSS LA code E09000026 (Redbridge). GSS LA code
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school with the Unique Reference Number 100977. URN
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school with the UKPRN reference number 10008110, issued by the UK Register of Learning Providers. UKPRN
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school with the LA number 209 and Estab number 2001. LAESTAB
209 2001
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school with the LA number 209 and Estab number 2001. LAESTAB
Lewisham 2001
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school in Lewisham LA with Estab number 2001. LAESTAB
Primary, Secondary
Displays the school in Lewisham LA with Estab number 2001. LAESTAB
317 320
Primary, Secondary
Displays schools in Redbridge LA and Waltham Forest LA. multiple LA numbers
IG1 2XG 317 320
Primary, Secondary
Displays schools in Redbridge LA and Waltham Forest LA and gives distance from postcode IG1 2XG. full postcode and multiple LA numbers
waltham forest redbridge
Primary, Secondary
Displays schools in Redbridge LA and Waltham Forest LA. multiple LA names
Primary, Secondary
Displays schools in Bath and North East Somerset LA. local LA name
100000 100001
Primary, Secondary
Displays schools with these Unique Reference Numbers. multiple URN
IG1 2XG 100000 100001
Primary, Secondary
Displays schools with these Unique Reference Numbers and gives distance from postcode IG1 2XG. full postcode and multiple URN